From English to French – Learn French, San Diego CA, Native French Teachers, Private Instruction, Group Lessons, Corporate Programs, Adult Classes, Children Classes, Sophie Juster, Speak French

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The Best Teachers




I come from Paris. I studied English, French literature, history and marketing. When I arrived in San Diego in 2001, it struck my mind that there was no good school teaching French as a second language to adults, so I decided to create From English to French in 2002 and it has been a success!

Besides teaching French, I manage the school, make sure that every one is full satisfied with their experience here. We teach about 150 students per week so you can imagine that it is a lot of work and also a lot of fun.
Like any French woman, I love cooking and my quiches and tarts that I make for our annual Christmas party are always popular! I also love gardening and playing the piano.

Come and learn French with us, you will see it is a real blast!


I come from Paris where I was born. I studied law and French literature, served my country in the Navy then worked in an Insurance Firm before moving to Dan Diego for love.

French is really part of my DNA as there have been famous writers and journalists in my family for several generations. I am a real history buff so please challenge me on the French Revolution, Napoleon or WWII! I love reading books even in English and cooking. As a main hobby, I have been making models since I was a kid. I love my native country and I am eager to share with you the magic of its mysteries and beauty. I love teaching the level 1 students and I am the only one here teaching the Pronunciation class!


Bonjour ! I was born in Deauville, in the beautiful French region of Normandie. I was also fortunate to live in Lyon, Nice and Paris.

I first came to San Diego in 2009 as an exchange student. I completed training in Translation & Interpretation, Communications and Education. I first joined From English To French in 2014. I love teaching because I get to meet students from all ages, levels and backgrounds. I am also the school’s Marketing Director, which is a role I really enjoy because it allows me to share my passion for my native language and culture through our newsletter, Facebook page and more.On my days off, I like to practice yoga, cook and spend time outdoors with my husband and my dog.

I cannot wait to help you achieve your French goals …. A bientôt !


I was born and raised in Orleans, on the Loire River, South of Paris. I then lived in the beautiful French island of La Reunion (in the Indian Ocean), in Clermont-Ferrand (that’s in the Auvergne Region, in the center of France), and I have always spent my summer vacations in a small Burgundy village near Cluny and Lyon, where my family is originally from. I worked overseas for a long time, mostly in East Africa, and this is how I met my husband (who is from Denver, Colorado) in Somalia. Last year, we decided it was time for a change, and we moved to San Diego! It has been a great pleasure to teach French at From English to French: the students are fun and friendly, and I am learning a lot about San Diego and all kinds of other topics through our animated conversations… in French! I love that I get to spend time helping people discover the beautiful French language, speaking about France, history, culture and of course food!

Diane: Bonjour, bonsoir, bienvenue!

Diane, Diane or Diana. Call me in French, English or Spanish although I would prefer the French version.

I come from the French Alps, famous for the Mont-Blanc, skiing, hiking, and its delicious cheeses.

Oh oui, raclette I miss you!

Talk to me about travels, music, movies, books and… chemistry (yes chemistry!) I play two musical instruments (i will let you guess which ones) and I am a chemical engineer. I had the opportunity three years ago to live in Spain (Erasmus! Refer to l’auberge espagnole with Romain Duris) for almost a year and this travel changed my life forever.. After I could not stop traveling and ended up in San Diego for my ‘end of masters graduation internship’.. this is where everything started for me because I met a wonderful American ! Then, after graduation in France, I came back to join him.

Why teaching for a chemical engineer? This is really nice for me to share my knowledge and passion for France. I love it and will continue to share until you love it.

Anouchka: Bonjour à tous !

My name is Anouchka. I am Belgian and a French native speaker. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Brussels.

I arrived in San Diego just before the end of 2016 with my husband and so far I really enjoy Southern California, as my favorite weekends are the ones spent hiking around 😉

I have a Masters Degree in Business and Management and back in Belgium I used to work as a business consultant. I am sociable and creative and I am really excited to be teaching French as I love to share my passion for languages and get to meet new people.

I like to learn and share. My biggest hobbies are travel, photography and sports.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon ! .


Bonjour !

I was born in the US but my parents moved back to France really early in my childhood were I grew up. So French is my mother tongue !
I really love travelling, discovering other cultures, and talking with people with different opinions, backgrounds, ideas…
I recently move to Montreal and I have lived in Grenoble, Lyon, Marseilles, Paris and La Martinique in the Caribbeans!
I also traveled a lot around Europe.I practice yoga and dance, play piano, love to listen to music and watch movies and series!
I love teaching because it allows me to meet people from different ages, with different stories sharing the same motivation to learn french ! I am so happy to help them achieving their goal.
I would love to teach you French and French culture!.